All Hall Of Fame Nominees must meet at least 1 of the following Hall Of Fame criteria:

  1. Making a contribution to the club on and off the field.

  2. Having made the club better due to his or her contribution.

  3. Put the club before oneself

  4. Inspired others to do better

  5. An amazing playing career

Nominations can be received all year round.

If you would like to nominate an individual that meets 1 or more of the above criteria, please use the link below and fill the form out.

Forms can be emailed to Vice President, Ellen Sykes: vicepresident@gormandalefnc.com.au or handed in person.


2014 - Inaugural

TY Anderson Jnr

Bev Richards

Tricia King (Whykes)

Carly Jennings (Lansdown)

Margaret Grumley

Harry Giblett

Geoff Gibbons

Rob Bacchetti

Rudi Bence

Shirley Onley (Allgood)

Pat Jennings (Onley)

Max King

Bob Callanan

Paul “Stix” Richards

Gordon Bayley

Shane Hollingsworth

Bill Hemphill

Mo Neave

Mark Trewella

Brian Barker

Frank Venturoni

Ken “Spunky” Voss

Roger Vivian

Jeff “Skippy” Domaille

Greta Douch

Allan Jennings

Barry “Darkie” Stockdale

Darryl “Titch” Hore

Lindsay “Bill” Onley

2014 Inaugural Legends

Daryl “Titch” Hore

Lindsay “Bill” Onley

2015 HOF

Frank “Lofty” Giblett

Lindy Callanan

Wayne Henry

2016 Legend

Frank Venturoni

2017 HOF

Wayne “Repco” Wright

Pauline Bayley

Mark “Hook” Talbot

2017 Legend

Ken “Spunky” Voss