Gormandale Football Netball Club Inc. Membership 2025


MUST be filled out in conjunction with purchasing your Player Membership. Filling this form out DOES NOT add the membership package to your cart.



  1. This draw will be held after every home game at the Club Rooms.

  2. Each draw will be for the sum of $200.00.

  3. A Current list of Members will be made available

    at the time of the draw and will be kept behind the

    Bar for such purposes.

  4. A Member must be present at the draw to redeem

    the winning money if his or her number is drawn.

  5. If that Member is not present the winnings will

    jackpot to the following home Game.

  6. A member’s number will be selected at random by

    using a ball and barrel system officiated by the President and or a Committee Member before the Club Members present at the Club Rooms at the time of the draw.

  7. If a Membership is purchased as a Striped Duo or Striped Family Membership then if one of those Members is present it will be considered as if both Members are in attendance for the draw and the winnings may be redeemed.

  8. If a Member winning the Members Draw has an outstanding debt to the Club all outstanding monies will be deducted from the winnings before they are paid to the winning Member.


1. All senior memberships paid in full prior to the commencement of Round 1 will receive a discount of 15% and will be charged as follows:

  Leader of the Pack $170.00

  Striped Solo $297.00

  Striped Duo $595.00

  Striped Family $467.00

2. Any Memberships outstanding at Round 1 will be charged at the full rate. All memberships must be paid in full by Round 6.

3. A minimum deposit of $30.00 must be paid on all memberships by Round 1. If the selected membership package provides a Gate Pass the pass will be provided upon payment of the deposit. The Member will also be eligible, if his or her package provides, to enter the members draw, however such member will not receive any other member package items until such time as full payment of the membership is made.

4. If you have any issues with paying Membership or Registration please reach out to your Coach or a member of our Committee.


  Social Tiger – Base Membership to socialise within our Club

  Tiger Cub – Compulsory membership for any player under the age of 18 unless the player is bundled

into a Striped Family package

  Temporary Tiger - Player Membership & Registration for any player filling in for Gormandale, limit of

4 games before this must be uplifted to full membership

  Leader of the Pack – Senior full membership includes; home game Season Pass and entry into the

weekly Members Draw

  Striped Solo – Senior upgraded membership includes home game Season Pass and entry into the weekly

Members Draw, 1 free drink after every home game, Season Thursday Training Night Meal Voucher,

entry for 1 in the Club’s Annual Tiger Draw.

  Striped Duo - Senior upgraded membership for 2, includes 2 home game Season Pass and 2 entries into

the weekly Members Draw, 2 free drink after every home game, 2 Season Thursday Training Night Meal

Vouchers, entry for 2 in the Club’s Annual Tiger Draw.

  Striped Family – Family upgraded membership for 2 adults & 2 children, includes 2 home game Season

Pass and 1entry into the weekly Members Draw, 2 Season Thursday Training Night Meal Vouchers, 1 entry in the Club’s Annual Tiger Draw and $5 Canteen Vouchers for each home game for both children.


  • All senior players must have paid their Registration in full prior to Round 1

  • All memberships paid in full prior to the commencement of Round 1 will receive a 15% discount.

  • All memberships must be paid in full by Round 6

  • A fill in player must hold a Temporary Tiger Membership, if they play 4 or more games with our club, this must be upgraded to the equivalent of a General Membership (Leader of the Pack).